Personal Donations St Alban's Fund

Consequent upon the decision of the PCC not to proceed with the rebuilding of St Alban's Church, St Stephens is now our only church. Chester Diocese have suggested that, m the circumstances, the St Alban's Building Fund be now redirected to outreach work in the Parish and improving the St Stephen's Church Building.

If you have made a recorded donation to the St Alban's Building Fund and would like a refund, please apply in writing to the treasurer, Mr Tony Drew, at the Parish Office, 11 Prenton Lane CH42 8LA.

Monies then remaining in the St Alban's Building Fund will be used for the purposes suggested above by the Diocese.

Lent Groups These start week commencing 1 st March. We will be studying Galatians during Lent covering the final five weeks of the study books. The congregation is invited to join the most appropriate group. More details later about the groups and getting bible study books.

MERSEYSIDE CHURCHES TOGETHER Faith to Faith Can we pray together? An explanation of the prayer life of the different faiths in Merseyside. Christian - Western Rooms Liverpool Cathedral 17th February at 7.45pm for 8pm. Special Event.. Lecture on the Jewish background to 'The Prodigal Son' & 'The Woman taken in adultery' Prof Bernard Jackson - Hope Univ. College 4th Feb at 7.45 for 8.00pm.

Lent Lunchtime Addresses on the theme Walk of Faith Mon-Friday 1.05-1.30pm starting Ash Wednesday 25th February to Friday 2nd April at Liverpool Parish Church, Pier Head.

Lent Lectures by Archbishop Patrick Kelly on Render an account for the hope that is within you... Tuesdays 7.45pm from 24th February to 6th April at LACE, Croxteth Drive Seflon Park